wk5 case study: entrepreneurship | Management homework help

Wk5 Case Study: Entrepreneurship Review the following case study:  Wk5-Entrepreneurship.pdf. Wk5-Entrepreneurship.pdf. – Alternative Formats Write a 1,000-1,500 word paper including the following headings and content:

  • Case Overview – Provide an overview of the case details in 400 words or less.
  • Research Design – What are 2-4 features of this research design?
  • Entrepreneurship – What was helpful in supporting entrepreneurship?
  • Discussion – Highlight one observation from the conclusions or recommendations.
  • References: One from this study and one additional reference from your course textbooks.

Include at least two P/QCRs (Paraphrase/Quotation, Citation, and Reference) and – one from this dissertation and one from one of your textbooks.
Include at least two QCRs from at least two peer-reviewed journals that have been published in the last five years.

  • Paraphrase/Quotation
  • Citation (In-text APA)
  • Reference (APA at the end of the paper in the final section)