Bus 697 project management week 1 assignment the pmmm helps bring
BUS 697 Project Management
Week 1 assignment
The PMMM Helps Bring Success to SAP and Petrotrin
In your paper, discuss the following:
- How has PMMM brought success to both SAP and Petrotrin’s overall enterprise? Use current financial, operational, and strategic news to support the article details for either SAP or Petrotrin to describe their recent results.
- Are the organizations continuing to improve their project management maturity levels?
- Do you believe their focus on Project Management has made them successful? Validate your beliefs.
Jedd, M. (2005, June). Growing up. PM Network, 19(6), 62-66. (Document ID: 858569891).
Note: There are two articles titled “Growing Up” from PM Network, please review the one authored by Marcia Jedd;
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JUNE 2005 … by Marcia Jedd … PM NETWO R K | J U N E 2 0 0 5 | W W W. P M I . … M r. Miller say s , noting mat u rity assessment phases typi- cally run about six to …. Project Management Institute, PM Network, Project Management Institute,