Com 537 week 3 team – communication plan initial proposal


This assignment situates students in the role of a consulting team for Best Game Productions. As a team, students analyze the culture, values, and ethics of Best Game Productions and each department. Then students decide on a solution for Best Game Productions based on all of the information provided. Students utilize concepts from the weekly readings to detail their communication plan, selecting the audience and most effective channel for each communication.

Now that you have individually analyzed the business scenario at Best Game Productions and have identified the internal and external stakeholders and their concerns, your task is to work as a consulting team to analyze the culture, values, and ethics for the company as well as cultural differences and perspectives for each department.

To determine the culture, values, and ethics, consider the company and department information you determined in Week 2.

Analyzing the culture, values, and ethics of the company will allow your team to better determine the necessary communications and appropriate channels for your communication plan.

Discuss your responses to the Week 2 individual assignment with your Learning Team. Using the Best Game Productions business scenario you individually analyzed, assume the role of a consulting team.

Analyze the culture, values, and ethics for the company, as well as cultural differences and perspectives for each department.

Explain the solution that you think is best for the company based on all of the information provided to you. Use that solution and your reason for selecting it to create your Communication Plan Initial Proposal.

Create a 1,400-word initial proposal in which you:

· Outline all necessary communications. Determine the necessary communications and appropriate channels for your communication plan.

· Construct your communications to best persuade the CEO and stakeholders that your solution is the best for the company.

· Discuss the audience for each communication; your analysis of the culture, values, ethics, and perspectives of the company and individual departments; the purpose of each communication; and the basic message that you will use in each communication.

· Select the appropriate channel for each piece of communication.

Cite at least two references in your paper.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.