Each student is expected to write an essay of no more or 1000 words


1000 words.
 this is the full insturction, I’m lack of full information with this course since it is a small summer course, so I share what I know and how I know it:
the file “note for Law and Economics of Property Rights” is class note by one of the studends, it is include the main ideas from class and instructions for the essay,
1. you need to choose one subject for the essay from the list of subjects in this file (file: note for Law and Economics of Property Rights).

2. choose a country that do it and face your arguments trhow this country (good choose is – israel, since it is the country of the course, just write “israel does,,,,,. Government Takings – The State expropriates property / rights from A to grant them to a B who knows how to exploit them better.”- do not need to realy research the real facts.

3. in your essay, please use the main ideas from class (as mantioned at “note for Law and Economics of Property Rights”) + use the relevant models (the models also mantioned in the file)
when you choose the relevant models (by their names), please read about them at files: L1 or L2 or L3 (the reading of the files is not needed, only of the relvant models by searching their names.

total of the essay is 1000 words. please read the “essay structure” at the file “note for Law and Economics of Property Rights”, in order to know what questions to answer at the essay. 

thank you and good luck

message from the teacher:
Each student is expected to write an essay of no more or 1000 words on one among ten possible application of the course material and illustrated in the last class. The proposal should highlight how the course material can be used to analyze the specific legal case, and then illustrate the possible policy implications of the analysis