Unit 4 discussion 1&2 | Management homework help

 Reading Assignments 

Chapters 9 and 10 (Andrew, Pedersen, & McEvoy text) 

Misener, K., & Doherty, A. (2009). A case study of organization capacity in nonprofit community sport. Journal of Sports Management, 23, 457-482. [PDF available in Canvas] https://www.humankinetics.com/AcuCustom/Sitename/DAM/067/234_Misener_ A_case_study_of.pdf 

Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20; Hebrews 6:9-10  

 Discussion Question 1 

 Based on this week’s lecture and the Misener and Doherty (2009) article, within this case study, the researchers used a mixed-methodology approach. What forms of data collection were used in this study? Explain and incorporate a biblical perspective from the Old and New Testament. o Requirements: 500 words minimum initial post, 

Discussion Question 2 

Based on this week’s lecture and the Misener and Doherty (2009) article, what type of observation research did the researchers conduct? Explain and incorporate a biblical perspective from the Old and New Testament. o Requirements: 500 words minimum initial post,