Exp19_word_ch02_capassessment_personalfinance.docx | Computer Science homework help
Start Word. Download and open the file named Exp19_Word_Ch02_CapAssessment_PersonalFinance.docx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. Ensure that nonprinting characters are displayed.
Change the document theme to Office, and both theme colors and theme fonts to Office. If the theme is not available, click Browse for Themes, and then select the downloaded theme file Office.thmx.
Ensure that the insertion point is on the first paragraph of the document. Create a paragraph style and name it Title_Page_1 with the following formats: 22 pt font size, and a font color of Blue-Gray, Text 2, Darker 50% (fourth column, last row). Apply the new style to the first paragraph of the document, Personal Finance, if necessary.
Click in the paragraph below Updated by: and type Laura Sims. Change the case of Laura Sims to UPPERCASE.
Select document text from the paragraph beginning with Personal Finance through the end of the document. Justify the selected text and change line spacing to 1.15.
Place the insertion point on the left side of the title Personal Finance (below Laura Sims) and insert a page break (not a section break).
Apply Heading 1 style to Personal Finance at the top of page 2.
Apply Heading 2 style to paragraph headings, including Introduction, Equity Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, U.S. Treasury Bills, Fixed Deposits, Sources, and Conclusion.
Modify Heading 2 style to use Dark Red font color (the first color under Standard Colors).
Select the six paragraphs in the Introduction section on page 2, beginning with Equity stocks and ending with Fixed deposits. Apply a diamond bullet to the selected text.
Select the second paragraph in the Introduction section, beginning with The best time to prepare for your retirement, and apply these formats:
• 0.6” left and right indent
• 6 pt spacing after the paragraph
• Boxed 1 1/2 pt border using the color Blue-Gray, Text 2, Darker 25% (fourth column, fifth row)
• Shading of Blue-Gray, Text 2, Lighter 80% (fourth column, second row)
Apply the default numbered-list format (1., 2., 3.) to the three types of bonds in the Bonds section.
Select the three quotes by Warren Buffet and the Source: paragraph in the Equity Stocks section. Display the selected text in two columns with a line between the columns.
Insert the picture file WallStreet.jpg at the beginning of the line that contains The major stock market in the Equity Stocks section. Change the height of the picture to 3”, and apply Top and Bottom text wrapping. Apply the Rounded Diagonal Corner, White picture style. Position the picture so that it appears below the Equity Stocks heading. Align the picture so that it is centered horizontally relative to the margin.
Insert the picture file GreatIdeas.jpg at the beginning of the paragraph that contains If you want something a little less risky than stocks in the Bonds section. Change the height of the picture to 3”, and apply Top and Bottom text wrapping. Apply the Center Shadow Rectangle picture effect. Position the picture so that it appears above the Bonds heading.
Spell check and review the entire document—no author names are misspelled.
Display the document in Outline view. Collapse all paragraphs so only lines formatted as Heading 1 or Heading 2 display. Move the Sources section to below the Conclusion section. Close Outline view.
Save and close Exp19_Word_Ch02_CapAssessment_PersonalFinance.docx. Exit Word. Submit the file as directed.