Db. | Political Science homework help


Performance & Accountability – State & Local Leaders (500 Words).

Topic/Question Prompt: Where competency approaches suggest that leaders are created, theoretical approaches suggest that leaders are born. Drawing from the leadership traits described in assigned readings, discuss whether you believe these traits can be trained, or whether they are natural skills.

In this course, Discussions play an exceptionally important role. Please consider these threads and replies to be formal communications on the same level as those you would conduct with employers, clients, or colleagues in the professional, political, or academic world. As such, they must be free of grammatical errors, must be properly formatted in current Turabian style, and must consist of well-reasoned, contemplative, and substantive posts and replies, rather than mere ipse dixid. These threads and replies must be adequately supported by citations of the sources or support for your ideas as well as any quoted materials.

For your personal thread and peer replies, use Turabian formatting and edit for spelling and grammar.