Ethical leadership style where do personal ethics come from

Unit 5 Assignment Instructions:

For this assignment you are being asked to complete the documents as attached in the Reading and Prep area of this Unit. They are associated with your chapter readings from within the textbook.

Be sure to complete the Questionnaires first.

· Conflict Style Questionnaire

· Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire Applied

· Compile and enter your results along with any initial thoughts/observations in the same Word document as above.

· Where do personal ethics come from? Are they instilled in childhood? Learned in school?

· Why do we pay selective attention to unethical behavior of public figures? For example, some people may ignore or discount sexual harassment behavior by male politicians, but harshly criticize a female politician about her questionable financial practices.

Be sure to describe in your own words what the author is asking you to reflect upon and how it can be applied in your personal work environment or to another plausible scenario.


· Prepare a quality, substantive work that addresses the objectives of the assignment and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric.

· A minimum of 1,000 words excluding the title page and references is required.

· Use APA style: Refer to APA Resources and the Online Writing Center resources in Academic Resources (see SC College Resources Links) for guidance on writing style and page and citation formatting.

· A minimum of 3 sources of credible evidence in addition to course resources that have been published within the past 5 years is required.

I. Barriers to the Military Mental Health Care System

1. The constant exposure to trauma increases the risk of severe behavioral conditions for service members. 

2. The lack of knowledge about mental illness, persistent stigma, leadership, and the ongoing negative attitude toward mental illness and treatment are known barriers to care for military service members, veterans, and their families. 

3. Significant Barrier to Mental Illness Treatment in this history assignment help:

1. Fear of Professional Consequences: servicemembers struggling with mental illness often believe that they may not be considered for promotions or other positions if they seek mental health treatment.They believe they may receive a dishonorable discharge or forced into medical retirement if they are diagnosed with mental illness.

1. A dishonorable discharge would result in a loss of military benefits and place obstacles when trying to secure civilian employment

2. Barrier has come from Leadership and the Lack of Knowledge about Mental Illness

1. Servicemembers were expected to be both physically and mentally ready for deployments throughout the world. 

2. Ultimately responsible for having a highly trained and ready-to-respond fighting force.

II. Responders Barriers to Mental Health Care

1. Profession where personnel are frequently exposed to human suffering and trauma, many are reluctant to seek mental health treatment. 

1. This is evident by the high suicide rates among responders, who, as noted in previous weeks, are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty

2. With high rates of suicide, alcohol abuse, and PTSD, responders are careful to hide their behavioral conditions in fear of appearing weak in front of their peers, losing their jobs, or being relegated to desk duty.

2. Certain mental illnesses or psychiatric medications can result in an officer being labeled as “unfit for duty” and being relegated to desk duty or forced into medical retirement. 

1. Subject to scrutiny by the officer’s department or supervisors

3. The responder culture placed an emphasis on physical fitness and job training but paid little attention to mental wellness education or support.

1. 2017, Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act, did law enforcement leaders recognize the need for mental health programs within their agencies

2. 2018, Illinois implemented legislation that prohibits local and state law enforcement agencies from firing officers who seek mental illness treatment.

III. Mental Health Stigma

1. Stigma is a significant reason that military and responders are reluctant to seek mental health treatment (Varga, 2018)

2. professions that value the cultural identity of the warrior mindset, mental illness and treatment are often viewed as weaknesses.

3. Admitting psychological stress to peers and supervisors has traditionally been viewed as unacceptable

4. According to Schreiber and McEnany (2015), internalized stigma creates psychological adversity and a subconscious reluctance to seek care

5. Military and responders, through cultural reinforcement, believe that they can handle behavioral problems on their own and do not need professional care. 

1. outwardly display stress or seek mental health are not trusted by their peers to perform under duress.

IV. Barriers and Stigma Associated with Mental Health Care for MIlitary and Emergency Responders

1. Lack of Knowledge: 

1. mental wellness and education programs have not been part of military training. 

2. many law enforcement agencies around the country also lacked mental wellness and resources for their officers.

2. Fear of Professional Consequences:

1. MIlitary Personnel: this fear raised concerns about loss of opportunities for promotion, dishonorable discharge (loss of military benefits), forced medical retirement, and loss of security clearance

2. Emergency Responders: this fear raises concerns about being perceived by colleagues as weak, loss of ob, relegation to desk duty, and forced medical retirement

3. Leadership:

1. Because they are responsible for maintaining a ready-to-respond fighting force, military commanders may hesitate to encourage personnel to seek professional help because of the impact on mission readiness. 

2. For emergency responders, personnel may come under increased scrutiny from supervisors (and peers) who question their colleague’s ability to perform under duress

4. Stigma

1. Real or perceived devaluation by peers to live up to the warrior mindset can become internalized prejudice and lead to lowered self-esteem and behavioral problems.

V. Reducing the Stigma of Mental Health Care

1. Legislation, such as the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) and Illinois House Bill 5231, has helped reduce the barriers and stigma associated with mental illness and treatment.

2. Colorado has enacted legislation that supports responder mental health care and peace officers involved in use of force incidents

3. Legislation:


1. directs the federal government to develop resources to assist law enforcement agencies in developing mental wellness programs, such as peer support groups, training programs for mental health professionals specific to law enforcement needs, and future research.

2. Illinois House Bill 5231:

1. Illinois House Bill 5231 prevents police departments from requiring a FOID (Firearms Owner Identification Card)card as a condition for continued employment.

2. Previously when cops sought mental health care, their FOID cards were temporarily revoked. 

3. Colorado House Bill 17-1215

1. In 2017, Colorado created a grant program within the Department of Local Affairs that provides financial assistance to agencies that have mental health co-responder programs and provides counseling services to law enforcement officers .

4. Colorado Senate Bill 19-091

1. requires law enforcement agencies to develop policies to support officers involved in a shooting or fatal use of force. 

2. policies must include pre- and post-incident support and services, as well as guidelines regarding temporary leave and duty assignments, and return to duty status.

4. If more state and public safety leadership pushed for legislation similar to these above, it would further remove the stigma associated with mental health care for military and responder personnel. 

5. Emergency responder and military leaders also need to implement mental wellness education programs within their organization to reduce the stigma and myths associated with seeking mental health treatment.

6. The fear of scrutinization from the chain-of-command is a major barrier to mental health care.

7. federal privacy laws protect patients; and only under extreme circumstances, such as child abuse or threat of imminent physical harm to self or others, can mental health professionals release treatment information.  

1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) law protects medical information, including diagnosis and medications, from being disclosed to employers. 

2. Military and responder personnel need to be reassured that if they do seek professional help, it will be kept confidential and not necessarily affect their livelihood



Students will complete a minimum 10-page research work in current APA format related to the focus of the course and course material.  The work should be a minimum of 10 pages in length (not including Title Page and References page) and follow APA guidelines, with at least 5 supporting sources including research/journal articles. 

The work must discuss one of the main issues related to parenting/discipline associated with the topic/population that you have chosen.  What strategy for parenting/discipline has been used in the past?  What strategy does research currently support?  Is this strategy controversial?  What are some practical applications derived from the research that would be relevant to this particular parenting/discipline strategy?  Are there issues/controversies of faith relevant to implementing the parenting/discipline strategy that you have selected as your topic numerical analysis assignment help?

The work must close with an appropriate conclusion summarizing the major observations from the research and suggestions for additional study of the topic


• For this assignment students will submit the Research Work: Topic Assignment.

• The student will submit a topic with a 300-word rationale detailing why the topic is relevant to the course and its application to parenting/discipline.  

• Include at least five supporting sources.

Midterm Meat & Poultry Science


Differentiate between meat grading and meat inspection.

Who is Upton Sinclair and why is he important in this class?

Why does ground beef have to be cooked different than steak?

How does live animal stress cause changes in meat quality?

What is the scientific name for marbling, what is it, and how is it “aquired” by beef and pork?

Explain what is rigor mortis.

Differentiate between wholesale and retail meat cuts for beef, pork, and poultry.

Graduate Students:  How do cattle, pigs, and sheep differ?  This is a small question with a big answer expected.  It is suggested to break your answer into various parts and discuss the part for each animal, then move to the next various part and discuss that various part for each animal.