Power point presentation | Human Resource Management homework help
We are doing a Capstone Team Project on C. W. Williams Health Center: A Community Asset (I attached a file).
This project is broken up into phases, and in each phase each team member gets to pick a task to write about (I attached each task I did for each phase).
The phases are:
Phase 1: Research Introduction
Overview: This phase introduces the health care organization of the research/case analysis and identifies the problems/issues that will be researched leading to an action plan to solve the issue.
- The task I chose to write about in this phase is the “technical” part of the C. W. Williams Community Center: A Community Asset Case Study.
Phase 2: External and Internal Analysis
Overview: This phase provides a detailed external and internal analysis of the health care organization also known as a situational analysis. The situational analysis also includes the development or refinement of the organization’s directional strategies. However, in the case of this project you will define the health care organization’s directional strategies.
- The task I chose to write about in this phase is the “Directional Strategy” of the C. W. Williams Community Center: A Community Asset Case Study.
Phase 3: HCO Organization Operations & Strategies
Overview: In this phase you will explore the organization’s operations to help in identifying one or more areas exhibiting weakness or threats for further analysis (consistent with situational analysis in Phase 2).
- The tasks I chose to write about in this phase is the “Marketing Issues, and Human Resource Aspects” of the C. W. Williams Community Center: A Community Asset Case Study.
Now, I must create a power point for each task I chose to write about in each phase (I included the presentation guide line).
- Technical part
- Directional Strategy
- Marketing Issues
- Human Resource Aspects
Must Include:
APS Format
Reference page