Week 15 case study analysis presentation | bbm402 | Wilmington University


Submit your Final Case Study Analysis here. Be sure to review the “Expectations for Final Case Study Presentation” and “The Ten Commandments of Case Analysis” (Links to an external site.) as well as the Outline for Final Case Study Analysis (Links to an external site.)

McDonald’s for what you did for me last time 

Review the rubric below.


Case Study Rubric

   Case Study Rubric
   Criteria Ratings        Pts              This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Analysis *KLO 1,3,4,,8

 20 to >19.0 pts                  Distinguished
Presents  an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified and  demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).

 19 to >18.0 pts                  Proficient
Presents  a thorough analysis of most issues identified and demonstrates an  accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).

 18 to >17.0 pts                  Satisfactory
Presents  a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified and  demonstrates a somewhat acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and  issue(s).

 17 to >14.0 pts                  Emerging
Presents  an incomplete analysis of the issues identified and demonstrates an  inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).

 14 to >0 pts                  Unsatisfactory
Does not present an analysis of the issues identified or demonstrate an understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).

      20 pts
       This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Evaluation *KLO 1,3,4

 20 to >19.0 pts                  Distinguished
Makes  appropriate and powerful connections between the issues identified and  strategic concepts; Demonstrates complete command of business/strategic  concepts.  Supports analysis with strong arguments and evidence. Ethical  issue is identified and evaluation includes recommendation which  involves attention to improving business ethics.

 19 to >18.0 pts                  Proficient
Makes  appropriate connections between the issues identified and strategic  concepts; Demonstrates good command of business/strategic concepts  central to conducting a case analysis. Support for analysis is present.  Ethical issue is identified and evaluation includes recommendation which  involves attention to improving business ethics.

 18 to >17.0 pts                  Satisfactory
Makes  appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issues and  strategic concepts. Demonstrates limited command of business/strategic  concepts central to conducting a case analysis. Identifies ethical  issues related to the case.

 17 to >14.0 pts                  Emerging
Makes little connection between the issues identified and strategic concepts

 14 to >0 pts                  Unsatisfactory
Makes no connection between the issues identified and strategic concepts.

      20 pts
       This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Recommendations *KLO 1,4,6,8

 20 to >19.0 pts                  Distinguished
Presents  detailed, specific, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly  supported by business concepts and scholarly research. A profound  strategic plan to effect a change initiative is presented.

 19 to >18.0 pts                  Proficient
Presents  specific, realistic or appropriate recommendations supported by  business concepts and scholarly research. Strategic plan to effect a  change initiative is presented.

 18 to >17.0 pts                  Satisfactory
Presents  realistic or appropriate recommendations supported by business concepts  and scholarly research. Attempts to apply a strategic plan to effect  change.

 17 to >14.0 pts                  Emerging
Presents realistic or appropriate recommendations with little, if any, support.

 14 to >0 pts                  Unsatisfactory
Does not present realistic or appropriate recommendations.

      20 pts
       This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Research *KLO 1,8

 20 to >19.0 pts                  Distinguished
Supplements  case study with relevant and extensive research into the present  situation of the company; clearly and thoroughly documents all sources  of information.

 19 to >18.0 pts                  Proficient
Supplements case study with relevant research into the present situation of the company; documents all sources of information.

 18 to >17.0 pts                  Satisfactory
Supplements  case study with limited research into the present situation of the  company; provides limited documentation of sources consulted.

 17 to >14.0 pts                  Emerging
Supplements case study, if at all, with incomplete research and documentation

 14 to >0 pts                  Unsatisfactory
Does not supplement case study with research and documentation.

      20 pts
       This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome  Communication *KLO 1,3,4,8

 20 to >19.0 pts                  Distinguished
Oral  and written communication demonstrate a sophisticated clarity,  conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and relevant  data and information; extremely well-organized and follows format from  syllabus; effective organization and development contribute to full  comprehension of the case. Delivery is professional and effective.

 19 to >18.0 pts                  Proficient
Oral  and written communication are accomplished in terms of clarity and  conciseness and contains only a few errors; includes sufficient details  and relevant data and information; well-organized and follows format  from syllabus. Delivery is professional and effective.

 18 to >17.0 pts                  Satisfactory
Oral  and written communication lack clarity or conciseness and contain  numerous errors; give insufficient detail and relevant data and  information; lacks organization.  Attempts to follow format provided on  syllabus.

 17 to >14.0 pts                  Emerging
Oral  and written communication are unfocused, rambling, or contains serious  errors; lacks detail and relevant data and information; poorly  organized.  Does not follow format provided on syllabus.

 14 to >0 pts                  Unsatisfactory
Oral  and written communication are extremely unfocused, rambling, or  contains major errors; lacks detail and relevant data and information;  extremely disorganized.  Does not follow format provided on syllabus.

      20 pts
     Total Points:                            100