Week 5 discussion (see attached files)
WELCOME to the discussion for WEEK 5. Please respond in complete sentences for each question, unless directed to do otherwise, demonstrating in your reply that you have read the material in order to receive full credit.
Topic 1: Data Visualization
This week you watched Big Data Visualization (YouTube Video) and Information is Beautiful where you learned about how good designs are the best way to navigate information overabundance
David McCandless turns complex data sets (like worldwide military spending, media buzz, Facebook status updates) into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections. Choose ONE of the graphics to discuss from Information is Beautiful.
- What ideas or pieces of information does the author present? List as many as you can.
- Identify the main conclusion told in the graphic. This should not just be the title, but what conclusion you can make from the information provided.
- Describe how the author represents data in the graphic. Example, using color to represent two things.
- What other ways does the author tell the audience about the key message(s)?
- What do you like/dislike about the graphic?
Topic 2: Infographics
An infographic is a visual representation of information, data, or knowledge meant to present complex information quickly and clearly. Infographics exist on nearly any topic you can imagine, proliferating in the digital age with social media.
Response #1:
Locate an infographic which relates to ONE of the topics covered within this course: (no more than two postings related to the same topic will be permitted)
Responses will need to include, but are not limited to:
- Title of Infographic (if not available then subject it relates to)
- Detail how the Infographic relates to the topic
- Analysis and recommendations for adjustment
Posting instructions :
Please read this information extremely carefully:
- Please include the topic number and title in your subject name for each discussion throughout the course.. For instance, Topic 2 Infographic. It has to be clear what you are answering so ensure you clearly label.
- Do not attach answers or files in discussion unless directions state to do so.
- You must respond in complete sentences for each question, unless directed to do otherwise. Ensure you answer each question within the topic as this week there are multiple questions in the topics.
- Minimum Topic Response: Posts need to be at least a 70 words, substantive and answer all parts.. If your reply for this question is less than 70 words and not substantive, you will lose points. You can use Microsoft Word to count the words in your response to make sure you have met the requirement.
- 🙂 to indicate a smile and lol for laughter is fine and I may use it myself from time to time in discussion. I would give deductions for other text speak such as using “u” for “you” etc.
- Each topic must be answered in a separate post.
- Answer posted in an organized manner.
- If references are used they need to be cited appropriately. Realize that to answer substantively you may need to do research and if so reference appropriately.
- Do not in any discussions cover same topic/product/website etc for separate topics
- After you post please review it to make sure it is formatted correctly and is easy to read and has no spelling errors