Personal identity | Human Resource Management homework help

Assess Your Personal Identity and Values

In the following activity, you will sample several self-assessment surveys to gain insights about your personal identity, values, educational goals, and career goals. By better understanding the interconnections, you are in a better position to make solid college and career choices. This activity will help you examine several surveys that help you self-assess personal identity, values, and interests. You will also explore educational goals and/or career paths that match your personal identity, values, and interests, using a self-assessment survey.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how personality tests and skills inventories help to evaluate career paths and identify personal interests to meet educational goals.


  1. Spend a few moments thinking about questions or feelings you may have about your personal identity, your values, and your educational goals.
  2. Review the self-assessment survey instruments listed below, and select one that represents your interests in examining your values.
  3. Complete the survey you’ve selected, maintaining an objective, honest, and open stance. Listen to your inner voice and to what is uniquely important to you.
  4. When you complete the survey, reflect on the parallels you see between educational goals and career goals.
  5. Write a few paragraphs about what you discover. What surprises you the most? What excites you the most? Are your educational goals in sync with your personal identity and values?

Self-Assessment Survey InstrumentsSURVEY INSTRUMENTDESCRIPTIONISEEK Career Cluster Interest Survey

ISEEK Careers / Minnesota Colleges and Universities

This online survey lets you rate activities you enjoy, your personal qualities, and school subjects you like. Then you can see which career clusters are a match for your interests.Values Clarification Questionnaire

InSite / Electric Eggplant

This online survey, in two parts, looks at the specific values of ambition, appearance, family, friendship, independence, wealth, education, freedom, happiness, privacy, security, honesty. A scorecard and interpretation are generated.Career Interest Survey Community and Technical Colleges of Washington State

This online survey allows you to select activities you like to do, personality traits that describe you, and subjects that interest you. Auto results suggest one or more of sixteen career clusters that match your selections.