Cla comprehensive learning assessment and dq
CLA Comprehensive Learning Assessment. The book is attached here.
Book: Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2019). Strategic management: Concepts and cases: Competitiveness and globalization (13th ed.). Cengage.
ISBN 978-0-357-03383-8
● Reading:
o Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisitions Strategies
Please read Case 11(C-147) part 4, case studies “Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore Driller” and write a paper with a minimum of 5 APA formatted pages.
Please provide at least six (6) peer-reviewed resources in support of your arguments.
After your learnt about the case study of “Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore Driller,” provide written CLA 1 by answering the followings:
● Write a summary of the case as introduction of your paper
● Why offshore drilling?
● Offshore drilling typically used three types, what are the three types of offshore drilling?
● What was the reason for the fall of the company’s stock in 2014? Was the fall of the company’s stock related to the movement of Global Oil prices?
● Was collaboration with Chevron a wise move for the company?
● What were the challenges:
○ Competition in the market including the supply of shale oil,
○ Technological challenges, and
○ Dealing with fluctuations in the international oil prices
Discussion Question
Please read a mini case on page 302, chapter 9 and provide the answers to the following questions:
● What are some of the major complexities encountered in developing cooperative strategies such as strategic alliances and joint ventures?
● What role does competition from rivals play in the eventual success of cooperative strategies? Please explain.
● What costs are incurred in developing strategic alliances? How can these costs be managed?
● Should cost minimization or opportunity maximization be the primary goal of a cooperative strategy? Can both be achieved simultaneously? Why or why not?