Bringing the rain to kapiti plain


Read and study the following lesson:

Lesson: Bringing Rain to the Kapiti Plan (PDF)


Sample Lesson Plan


Reflect on the quality of this lesson. Base your thinking on the information you are learning in this module about reading comprehension. Respond to the questions below. Single space, copy each question, develop your response below the question, use a 12 pt font, should not exceed two pages, provide specific references to the lesson and/or your Module 6 content in your responses.  

  1. How could choral reading be used in this lesson? What is the benefit?
  2. What is the purpose of guided reading questions?
  3. What is the purpose of personal response questions?
  4. The lesson contains different classroom extension activities. Choose one activity and briefly describe it in your own words. Then explain how that activity supports reading comprehension. 
  5. Reflect: Your overall impression? Did you like the lesson? Why or why not? Provide specific information and refer back to the lesson and/or your Module 6 readings to support your answer.