The trade war between us and china purpose


The Trade War Between US and China

Purpose: With the completion of this assignment, you will

1. Understand tariffs and other forms of government intervention of international trade

2. Be able to analyzing the impact of trade war on global business

3. Be able to think strategically as a business professional to respond to these trade berries


1. Brief introduction 

a. When did it happened? Time line? 

b. What are the causes?

c. What is the status of the past and now?

2. Choosing one business or product as an example, please explain how the business is affected by this trade war. 

a. Visual (show a photo of the company or product)

b. Analysis (show statistics, charts, facts….etc.)

c. Strategic thinking (What is the impact of this trade war? Who is the winners and losers? Discuss you view points from different perspectives (e.g., business professions, consumers, government…etc.)

d. Reflection and Application (Using your term project as an example, or imaging if you own a business, how would you respond to this trade war?)

Submission format: 

1. ppt slides

2. Informative and visual

3. Make a thought provoking/creative/interesting title of your file name.

4. Due date (please follow the indication on the “course schedule and assignment due date” file).