Response paper: the future we’re building — and boring | elon musk
Technology continues to change and automation is at the forefront of innovation. Elon Musk discusses the various business that he is currently engaged in this TED Talk and highlights how technology will affect the world. He talks about how different products will influence the marketplace. However, the moderator provides a dichotomy at the end of the TED Talk about the balancing of betterment of humanity versus finding an area that inspires you.
In a response paper, analyze Elon Musk’s various products and what impact you believe that they will have on the world in the next ten to twenty-five years. Secondly, analyze the dichotomy that the moderator provides at the end of the interview and apply that to areas of technology that you believe need to be changed (software, food production, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, or another major industry). You may complement your research as needed.
Grading criteria per the syllabus:
“Response Paper
You will write one response paper that should be 4-page (excluding “works cited”), double-spaced essay on a select topic. The response paper counts for 10% of the grade, that is, 10 points. Points are distributed as follows:
1) Thesis statement (in the introductory paragraph) (3 points) – The thesis statement must encapsulate the main argument for the paper. It must be clear and coherent, and it must address the request the professor has put forth to the class.
2) Supporting evidence (4 points) – You must provide the supporting evidence in paragraph form (not “bullet” or list form). Each paragraph must contain evidence that supports the idea or concept that validates the thesis statement. You must provide citations (in footnote, endnote, or parenthetical form) for all evidence presented.
3) Every essay must follow basic rules of format and grammar (3 points) – Every response paper must contain a beginning (introductory paragraph), a middle (several supporting paragraphs that comprise the body of the paper), and an end (concluding paragraph).
Grammar is vital for essay composition. Sentence fragments, misspellings, and improper punctuation denote a carelessly written and poorly conceived paper.”