patterson and the lecture videos discuss myths and barriers to same

A) Patterson and the Lecture Videos discuss myths and barriers to same sex parents raising children. Discuss the most challenging barriers that you perceive. How can inclusiveness be increased for these families?  B) In “The Kid” by Dan Savage, the author discusses several stereotypes and barriers to adoption. Discuss at least one issue and how Dan and his partner approached it (e.g., how the families reacted, or how gay couples may be perceived by potential birth mothers). What was your reaction to this book? What is your reaction to Oregon’s legal process of adoption?  C) In “A Tale of Two Daddies,” the author normalizes and reduces stereotypes regarding gender expectations that anyone might have about a girl being raised by two dads. Regarding the aspects of caretaking of the two dads, what was your reaction to the book? What would you add to the book that the author did not cover?  Note there are multiple prompts for this discussion – be sure to answer all parts for full credit and mark each part of the response with A, B, and C. Respond to the discussion points above in a minimum of 250 words (10 points). Respond in a minimum of 150 words to another student’s post (5 points).