Case assignment- evaluating markets to invest abroad

Based on Bertos Manufacturing Corporation case you should answers these questions:

1.  Identify the key criteria and considerations that need to be taken into account in evaluating BFSI entry in the proposed foreign markets. ( you must  Exhibit knowledge of  the major cultural economic, social and legal environments faced by organizations)

2.  Of the countries under consideration,which five would be most suitable for the immediate establishment of a BFSI subsidiary? High the key issues for each of the selected countries and discuss the reason behind your recommendation. (  Develop multiple strategies for the challenges of doing business in a global environment) and ( Assess the needs and justify the advantages accruing from expanding into international markets)

3.  Which countries would be  unsuitable for a BFSI subsidiar at  this time,and what are the basic  shortcomings in each case? ( Demonstrate appropriate responses to cultural diversity in a global economy)

This case deals with key considerations when planning an international expansion through direct investment in select foreign markets. You are required to respond in writing to the questions raised in the case. Your written report should be no less than 5 pages long (typed, double-spaced) . 

Submitted you can find the case where you can get all the information, the rubric with the question that i just posted here, also i have updated an example that could help you. ( no the same countries but similar).