Social structure theory | psy621


Using a minimum of 4 recent scholarly peered reviewed article less than 5yrs old for DQ 1 and 3 scholarly peer-reviewed article for DQ 2 must be cited using APA format 750 words for each topic DQ 1 and DQ2   It should be written separately include the http or DOI for all references used please Note: Please see reading references below:  

DQ 1

Imagine you are a forensic psychologist. Would you tend to subscribe to social structure theory or social process theory more than the other? Explain why.

DQ 2

Explain which element of Hirschi’s social bond do you feel you have the lowest levels of? Which do you feel you have the highest levels of?


Please Note the Reading Documents for the Week:

1. Read Chapters 8, 9, and 10 in Introduction to Criminology: Why Do They Do It?


2. Watch “Aggression: Is Violence Learned?” [Video file] In Films on Demand (2013).


3. Read “Socioeconomic Status, Subcultural Definitions, and Violent Delinquency,” by Heimer, from Social ? Forces (1997).


4. Read Social Structure-Social Learning and Delinquency: Mediation or Moderation? by Verrill (2008).