W3omm640res2 | Management homework help
Please read each passage below, I need a minimum of 150 words for each part (1 & 2) which is a total of 300 words in response. I DO NOT need a reference or title page, however please provide the reference(s) underneath the passage. Please label as I have done below, example Part 1 and place your response along with the reference. Please keep each one on the same document! Please cite properly and use correct grammar. DUE TOMORROW by 6PM CST 4/4/22
Part 1
Martin Marietta started an ethics program that started with legal compliance as an importance and then emphasizing core values to include those of honesty and fair play. Now its initiatives consist of a code of conduct along with an ethics training program. The program also allows the reporting and investigation of concerns within. The program has an ethics office then a representative at all facilities. The company believed that an ethics programs has changed employees’ outlook and priorities. “They consider more carefully how situations will be perceived by others, the possible long-term consequences of short-term thinking, and the need for continuous improvement.” (Paine, 1994). Employees now consider their objective to be decent while achieving quality work.
I chose emphasizing core values because it’s very familiar in my day to day at all times in my organization. I see our core values on the wall as I walk into the building every day. The core values are Integrity First, Service before self and Excellence in all we do. The core values are for us to read, understand, live by and cherish. It’s also said they remind us what it takes for us to get the mission accomplished. “They are the values that instill confidence, earn lasting respect, and create willing followers” (United States Air Force core values, 1997). They give everyone the capability of being a leader. Along with the core values, there are programs in place where all members have the ability to report any concerns. The core values have be woven into all programs to be utilized. It can be incorporated more by our leaders and their behaviors along with their mentorship. I see a lot of member as they receive more responsibilities they lack the ability to trust leaders and have a mentor they feel like they can turn to.
Paine, L. S. (1994, March-April). Managing for organizational integrity (Links to an external site.). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/1994/03/managing-for-organizational-integrity
United States Air Force core values. (1997). [Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of the Air Force, 1997.
Part 2
The topic of ethics that I chose is defining right action. Wetherell Associates, is a company that supplies electrical parts to the automotive industry. They do not have an ethics or compliance officer, rather, their CEO claims responsibility for this. According to Paine, “they define right behavior as logically, expediently, and morally right. Managers teach employees to look at the needs of the customers, suppliers, and the community—in addition to those of the company and its employees—when making decisions.” (1994) An example of one way they put the needs of their customer first is if they are short on a part, they will refer their customer to the competition to ensure they receive the part, even when it takes away business from them. Another way they practice ethics is they do whatever is right for their customer. An example of this is that they are honest with their customers if they ordered too many or too little of a product. Instead of lie, they are open and honest.
Wetherell Associates chose to build their company on ethics from the beginning. They continued to build and each employee does not question the way business should be conducted. This has caused them to have happier employees and customers who have stayed with them for decades. They are trustworthy and believe that the way they conduct business takes away any risk for unethical violations.
In my organization, it would be refreshing to see leadership take responsibility for their actions. My company (former) chooses to make excuses, rather than dig into the why of what happened and fix it. They are better at explaining away and justifying bad behavior rather than correcting the ship and starting to introduce ethics from the ground up. Gonzalez-Padron states, “understanding the role that ethical theory and moral development has on ethical decision making facilitates effective handling of dilemmas in the workplace.” (2015) Our leadership likely understands that this would help them, but I believe they think it is too hard of work and are comfortable in doing things the way they have always been done.
Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015). Business ethics and social responsibility for managers. Zovio.
Paine, L.S. (1994). Managing for organizational integrity. Harvard Business Review, 72 (2), 106-117.