So 300 research methods paper – 2 pages – apa 7e format


This assignment examines and applies concepts in the Survey Methods chapter and gives you the opportunity to evaluate surveys.


  1. Using the principles in Chapter 7 of surveys, locate 2 surveys (can be related to your area of interest). One of these should be a survey/ questionnaire that you will justify as high quality. The second survey should be one that you will justify as poor or deficient.
  2. In an APA Style paper, present your responses to the following prompts:
    1. Describe each survey applying key concepts from the textbook [be sure to describe the:
    2. Purpose or goal of the surveys
    3. IV’s and DV’s  ****the items (IVs) that are presented and the ways participants can respond (DVs),
    4. Critique of the surveys along with a justification of whether you judged it as high quality or poor quality.
    5. A statement about improving upon the surveys.
  3. Be sure to include internal citations and references for both surveys.

Your paper must be presented in proper APA 7e format.

Your paper should have a cover page, text body section, and a references. An abstract is not necessary – do not put an abstract into your paper.

Book: Making Sense of the Social World Methods of Investigation Sixth Edition Daniel F. Chambliss